A library for observables built with WHATWG streams. This library is inspired by ReactiveX’s operators and implements a subset of them using streams.
npm install --save observables-with-streams
The goal of this library is to implement observables making as much use of the platform as possible and being highly tree-shakeable.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<button id="dec">-</button>
<span id="counter">0</span>
<button id="inc">+</button>
<script type="module">
import * as ows from "observables-with-streams";
).pipeThrough(ows.map(() => -1)),
).pipeThrough(ows.map(() => 1))
ows.scan((v0, v1) => v0 + v1, 0)
v => document.querySelector("#counter").textContent = v
The (somewhat lacking) documentation for this library is hosted at https://observables-with-streams.surma.technology
While most browsers have partial support of streams in stable, this library makes heavy use of TransformStreams, which are currently not well supported. Until browsers catch up, I can recommend Mattias Buelens' web-streams-polyfill.
For a good primer about streams, read this blog post by Jake Archibald (he is aware the title hasn’t aged well).
License Apache 2.0
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